Yes, you can register by filling in the online form at any time. You will then receive an email with further instructions. Remember the first class is free & you only have to complete a health questionnaire to attend which is available online.
Where do I put my valuables?
Please try to avoid bringing valuables to the classes, jewllery rings etc should all be removed. You may use the instructors’ or the Outdoor Military Fitness vehicle to store your keys/mobile phone or change of clothing.
I’ve registered on the website, do I need to book my free trial class?
No, once you’ve registered online, you can select any session on the timetable to come along to for a great work out. Just turn up at the meeting point in your kit 5-10 minutes before the start time. Please inform our instructor its your trial class!
Will I be shouted at?
No, you will not be shouted at directly. However, our instructors will call out instructions and words of encouragement to keep the class motivated, so everyone gets the most out of their work out. They are a friendly bunch, and they love a bit of banter. But, ultimately our instructors are there for you to achieve your health and fitness goals.
How long are the sessions?
The classes are an hour long, fifty minutes on a weekend. This includes a warm up, water break and cool down and stretches.
Do I need any specialist equipment?
Specialist equipment; Apart from a good pair of running shoes any equipment required for the exercises will be supplied by the instructor.
What should I wear?
A decent pair of outdoor running shoes is all you really need. Fashion trainers are not advisable as they offer little support or grip and you may run the risk of injury if you wear them to a class. Other than that, an old t-shirt on top and shorts, tracksuit bottoms or running leggings are ideal. Some exercises involve getting down on the ground so be prepared to get a little bit dirty – it’s part of the fun! Unfortunately we can’t guarantee the weather but we can guarantee that you’ll be sweating by the end of each session so make sure you have something warm to put on after the session has finished. Some people also like to wear a lightweight base layer, gloves and a hat during winter months. If possible, please arrive in your kit, as there are no changing facilities in parks.
Do I need to attend a fitness assessment before I start?
No, just turn up to any class for your free trial. Speak to the instructor when you arrive at the venue and they’ll recommend which group will suit you best.
Do I need to be super-fit?
No – but you do need to be committed to improving your level of fitness with a good workout. Don’t worry if you lack motivation – we’re here to help you get fit. We cater for all levels of fitness by dividing the class into ability groups, yellow for beginner, orange for intermediate and green for advanced. We have equal numbers of men and women at our classes of all shapes, sizes and fitness levels. Members’ ages range from 16 to 70.
Do I need to check with a doctor before I go to a class?
You should complete our sign up form here (it’s part of the free trial class registration process) and hand it to your instructor before you start your first class. Women who are pregnant should check with their GP before starting any classes.